2021 Ford Bronco Testing in Moab Utah~Rachel Holbert-Jones Page, Sunset SC #ravenblackheartllc
This is the first video I watched after my husband saw a post/picture on facebook with a Ford Bronco with it's front wheels going in the direction of each other and he remarked that the Bronco must be a really crappy off road vehicle so I decided to see for myself what it said. I found an article about a Bronco being thrashed in the Georgia mud or rather Georgia's red clay mud which is like quicksand. It was a very short video and not a very long article. This led me to these other two videos. One of which I posted about on my wordpress blog and a post here. Here's the link to the post and video I Took a Ford Bronco up Top of the World in Moab Utah . Here's a link to the post here on Taking a Ford Bronco up Top of the World in Moab Utah and here's the link to the article on the Ford Bronco Thrashing in the Red Clay Mud of Georgia . Visit my YouTube Channel Sassy After Sixty here: https://www.youtube.com/sassygrrl32 , my business blog Rizzo REI Partners~Rachel H